domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2015

  • a janela líquida é uma página onde a fronteira da realidade
    é uma linha ténue,vaga,com um aroma de cereja e música de tempos esquecidos.
    a janela líquida é um morcego  velejar silencioso num céu azul pardo quando a noite abraça as sombras e esconde o sol nas areias do outro lado.
    a janela líquida é o retrato de uma rainha misteriosa que desafiou a eternidade e o seu olhar prende numa teia de feitiço,todos aqueles que invocam o nome dela .
    encontram-se sinais nos cabelos imaginários de animais imaginários e escutam-se melodias nas pedras onde tentaram apagar a sua presença,a sua essencia divina.
    a janela líquida é um sonho num livro.

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      Nefertem - God of Perfume

      Also known as He Who is Beautiful and Water Lily of the Sun, was god of both healing and beautification, perfumes and aromatherapy. In ancient Egypt, perfume wasn’t like the perfume of today - perfume was holistic, much as aromatherapy today.

      His function as a solar god was that of the sunrise. Nefertem was the god who helped raise the sun into the sky, passing it to Ra as one would give a flower to a guest at an ancient Egyptian party. In the mornings, the water lily flower opens up with the sun, giving the Egyptians a strong connection between the plant and the heavenly body.
      He was not worshiped at a temple, but Nefertem was an aspect of the sun god himself, the god who created himself and rose out of the waters of Nun, the pre-primordial waters of infinite space and infinite time from which the Universe was born. He was a protector of Egypt, a god with the power to both destroy and heal. His flower was one of the favorite flowers of Egypt, shown on tomb walls as a possible symbol of fertility and rebirth. Despite the trivial sounding title of a god of perfume, Nefertem was a god who healed the people of Egypt, and who could heal the gods themselves.

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    Queen Hatshepsut
  • acordei ?
    tudo era amarelo e soava a harpas e sugeria o oriente de eras campo e girassóis a perder de vista .duas luas muito brancas entre montanhas deuma altura indizível.
    um corcel árabe,majestoso,belo,elegante a galopar e a chamar-me...

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